Buster Ebay Comic

Buster Ebay Comic

Next Wednesday, I’m going to list a TFBC comic for sale on ebay – specifically for the winning bidder!  If you win this comic auction, you’ll be able to choose which TFBC comic from the archive that you would like for me to personally draw for you.  It will be drawn on approximately 8 x 10″ bristol paper with Prismacolor markers.  There will be no computer work – all hand drawn, including the lettering.  So, be thinking about it (and mention to your parents if you don’t have an ebay account), and come back for the TFBC Comic Ebay Auction next week!  This would also be a very, very unique gift idea for a teacher, director, band parent, friend, etc!  I won’t be listing another one until probably next November, so here’s your only chance for a while.

In the meantime, thanks for all of the well-wishes regarding my husband’s employment status.  Hopefully something will come through soon, but with the current economy, things are pretty slow.

Band news!  Girl fights off thugs with marching band baton:  Moral to this story is don’t mess with the marching band girls,’ official says!  Go girl!